- For access they will have to complete and sign the registration of participation and acceptance of these rules:
- The elderly individually.
- Minors individually represented by their parent or legal guardian. In the case of groups, the adult responsible.
- Selva Asturiana shall not be liable for any accidents that may occur during the activity, if the conditions of participation have been the subject of false declarations or have been breached by users instructions and safety recommendations.
- At all times be followed the instructions and directions issued by the monitor by the group.
- They should be used at all times provided protections.
- It is strictly forbidden draw the bow out of the firing line or in a vacuum.
- Is prohibited from using arrows have tips, tubes and / or feathers out of the FITA regulations, or those deemed unsuitable Selva Asturiana, harmful or dangerous to the material and / or people.
- Do not point anywhere other than white, even without arrow.
- The shots should be made from the shooting line marked area, and always on the corresponding target.
- When we throw we must ensure that no one in the shooting, and no one can cross into the shooting range.
- It is forbidden to throw arrows into the air.
- arc opening flag or top to bottom should be avoided, always avoiding the opening of an angle arc that could, if inadvertent firing, causing an uncontrolled path.
- It is strictly forbidden to throw against any living animal in the shooting as well as infringe in any way against nature.