- For access they will have to complete and sign the registration of participation and acceptance of these rules:
- The elderly individually.
- Minors individually represented by their parent or legal guardian. In the case of groups, the adult responsible.
- Selva Asturiana shall not be liable for any accidents that may occur during the activity, if the conditions of participation have been the subject of false declarations or have been breached by users instructions and safety recommendations.
- The route is performed without accompaniment, under his own responsibility and remote monitoring of a monitor (from the ground).
- Terms of Access:
- minimum height of 1.20 m participants.
- maximum weight of 120 kg participants.
- 8-10 years: Required 1 adult for every 2 children (for accompaniment in height).
- 11-16 years: not necessary accompaniment height (except special needs reported as such).
- The circuit can be done with rain.
- They should meet the physical and psychological necessary for the practice of this sport conditions.
- During the tour circuit is not allowed to eat, drink or use mobile phone, cameras / video or any other type of audiovisual device.
- You go without personal value, provided adequate clothing (trousers recommended) and sports shoes, with long hair collected without objects which could catch (earrings and long necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc.); the piercing should be covered.
- It will be informed of all risks, safety rules and instructions for proper use of safety systems and basic for conducting tours before accessing the circuits techniques.
- Only you can access our circuits in height with personal protective equipment approved and designed for this purpose.
- Safety equipment will be placed exclusively by our staff. It is mandatory to keep the team as it was placed. In case of having to part with it for any reason, it must be put back by our staff.
- Teams must be in perfect condition at the time of the return. In case of loss or damage to the equipment, Selva Asturiana may require the payment of the costs thereof.
- Initiated activities, safety equipment must always remain hitched to the «lifeline» for the entire circuit.
- There can be no more than three people on a platform no more than two a challenge. Tirolinas and lianas in one person, both the challenge and arrival.
- Both for users, as companions, it is mandatory to keep within the marked paths.
- You can not stay under the games or challenges arrivals.